Fulda‘s Jewish History

Conference including excursions

4 -7 September 2023

Stadtschloss Fulda, Marmorsaal

The conference is convened by the City of Fulda, in association with the Kommission für die Geschichte der Juden in Hessen (Commission of the Federal State of Hesse for the History of the Jews in Hesse) a nd the Institute for Legal and Constitutional History of the University of Vienna and in cooperation with the Central Archives for the History of the Jewish People, Jerusalem, the Archive of the Religious Kibbutz movement, Kvuzat Yavne, the Museum of the H aredi Pioneer Movement, Chafetz Chaim, the Austrian State Archive, Division House, Court and State Archive, Vienna and the Archive of the Federal State of Hesse, Division State Archive Marburg

Academic responsibility rests with Professor. Dr J. Friedrich Ba ttenberg, Technichal University of Darmstadt and Dr Stephan Wendehorst, Justus Liebig University Gießen and University of Vienna,

Overall responsibility with Dr Thomas Heiler, City of Fulda


